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I'm Shakhriyor.

a programmer !

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photo of Shakhriyor


I am currently a student of Computer Engineering.
However, I am good at coding. I like coding really much !!!

My Skills.

photo of skills

Development & Design

For currently, I know C, C++ and C# programming languages for development. As well as, Html and Css for designing websites. Furthermore, I am planning to learn .Net frameworks of C# and become a skillfull software developer in near future !!!


Development         Design
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C# image ⭐⭐⭐⭐
C image ⭐⭐⭐
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Bootstrap image ⭐⭐⭐

Get In Touch

Do you want to tell or ask me something?

Then, I would be happy to communicate with you!!!

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© 2020 Shakhriyor Toylokov.